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We are happy to grant you permission to use the questionnaire in your study, with the proviso that the authors Prof D Upton and Dr P Upton are acknowledged in any communication, including publication, in which the questionnaire is used. In accordance with UK and Australian copyright law we would be grateful if you would refer anyone else interested in using the EBPQ to us, rather than distribute copies of the questionnaires to third parties yourself. This will also help us as authors gauge the level of interest in the questionnaire and its application in the clinical/research/educational setting.
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We are happy to grant you permission to use the questionnaire in your study, with the proviso that the authors - Upton, Scurlock-Evans & Upton- are acknowledged in any communication, including publication, in which the questionnaire is used. In accordance with Australian and UK copyright law we would be grateful if you would refer anyone else interested in using the S-EBPQ to us, rather than distribute copies of the questionnaires to third parties yourself. This will also help us as authors gauge the level of interest in the questionnaire and its application in the educational setting.