

About us

We are team of researchers with extensive experience

We are a team of researchers with extensive experience in undertaking high quality studies to answer fundamental questions affecting society today. Whether this be in response to questions arising from other studies, theoretical insights or in response to commissioned calls from private, public or voluntary sector organisations. We have experience in both qualitative and quantitative methods and often use these in combination to provide a full and insightful response to the questions posed. To find more about us check out the ‘The Team’ page.


Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) represents the “integration of the best research evidence with patients’ values and clinical circumstances in decision making”. At its core, this approach aims to ensure people consistently receive the best care possible, based on the application of the most up-to-date research available, rather than mere tradition or health care practitioner preference. Despite EBP being identified as a key method for health care practice and policy development worldwide, its uptake has been problematic. In order to overcome this, a questionnaire is required that can assess factors influencing EBP uptake and implementation. We have also developed and validated a version of the EBPQ specifically for use with nursing/healthcare professional students (SEBPQ). Derived from the original EBPQ, this 21 item self-report questionnaire comprises four subscales: Practice, Attitudes, Retrieving and Reviewing the Evidence, Sharing and Applying EBP. The SEBPQ is also available to download from this website.

Scoring Instruction

Check out the EBPQ and SEBPQ scoring instructions


We have experience in both qualitative and quantitative methods and often use these in combination to provide a full and insightful response to the questions posed.


See the EBPQ and SEBPQ surveys here, download them in different languages and obtain more information on past and current research.

Our Team

The members of the Group have a wide range of expertise, which is reflected in excellence in research and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in addition to PhD supervision.


If you wish to collaborate in any of our studies, please do not hesitate to
email one of us: