
Evidence . Based . Practice . Questionnaire

Integrating the best research evidence into person-centred care

Translated into over 18 languages

Download the questionnaire in both English and other languages

Used in more than 40 countries

EBPQ has been adopted by professionals globally


List of publications and references available
About us

Publication in 2006 by Professor Dominic and Dr Penney Upton

Since its publication in 2006 by Professor Dominic and Dr Penney Upton, the Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire (EBPQ) has been adopted by professionals globally (being used in more than 40 countries) and translated into more than 18 different languages.
These pages summarise the questionnaire, the team behind the questionnaire and the research that has been undertaken with the EBPQ. You can also register to get access to the EBPQ and a version for students, the SEBPQ.


Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) represents the “integration of the best research evidence with patients’ values and clinical circumstances in decision making”.

See the EBPQ and SEBPQ surveys here, download them in different languages and obtain more information on past and current research.


If you wish to collaborate in any of our studies, please do not hesitate to
email one of us: